The Importance of the Little Things

By Chuck Fenwick


The Benefits of a Gratitude Journal

I’ve talked a lot in the past about the benefits of using a gratitude journal. Keeping your mind focused on the small but positive parts of your day makes a big difference! 

Honestly, I didn’t think a gratitude journal would work at first. I really doubted the whole process. But it has totally helped to retrain my brain. Instead of focusing immediately on the negative, this practice has helped me turn first toward the good parts of my day. 

And usually, the good parts aren’t huge or massive good things that have happened. I’m not constantly winning the lottery or receiving expensive gifts or anything like that. 

It’s the tiny things that have surprised me the most. Because those little, good, happy parts of the day begin to add up and make a big splash over time. 

So here are nine of the small but good things in my life right now. This is definitely not all of the good parts, but just a few of my favorite parts of the week during this current season of life.

Nine Small Things That Are Changing My Life (for the better!)

Text with the Guys
I have a group message with three friends that we use every day to talk through three categories: Best, Worst, and Pray. We each send a text with something relating to each of these topics. I love keeping up with them and with what is happening in their day-to-day life.  Also, knowing how to pray for each other has strengthened our friendships and impacted our lives in a major way.

Audible Audio Books

I have to confess – I’m not a good reader. And I’ve never been a good reader. But I’ve been listening to audiobooks through Audible lately (and I usually get the e-version of the book, too!). I set the reading speed to 1.3x (which is a pace that works for me) and I follow along as someone else reads it. I get to enjoy the reading without having to do all the reading myself. It’s helped immensely! 

Strength Training Program

Okay, this one is kind of a big change that I’ve made. But it’s significantly improved my happiness and health so I have to share. I’ve committed to wake up at 5 a.m. 4 days each week to do a strength training program. I didn’t think this is something I’d ever love to do, but it’s radically changed my life for the better! Starting my day off with exercise I enjoy makes my entire day better. 

Protein Shake Bottle

This one seems silly – but nothing is too small to be good! I got a shaker bottle. You know the ones, it’s like a cup with a screwtop lid that you can use to shake up a protein shake or whatever you’d like. It’s not even a super fancy bottle, but it helps me stay on track with my protein intake for the day. I mentioned my strength training program earlier, and with that program I have to eat more protein. So it’s small, but it’s definitely something that’s helping make my life better! 

“Focus Mode” on my iPhone

A few iOS updates ago, Apple released the option for “focus” settings. This basically allows you to customize the notifications you receive at any time of day from any app. It helps you to stay focused (haha) and set boundaries for whatever you’d like. I have different focus settings for home, work, and other times in my daily routine that I use. It allows me to block out all of the unneeded notifications but I know that I can get important calls when needed. This has been a GAME CHANGER – like seriously, I’m not joking. This has radically improved my life. 


If you haven’t heard of a HyperChiller, you are definitely missing out. It’s a small container that you store in the freezer. It has little chambers inside surrounded by ice, so it helps turn liquids cold. It’s technically for making iced coffee, but you can use it for tea, soda, or whatever you need! I brew my coffee straight into it and it begins to chill immediately. It doesn’t melt the ice in my cup and water down my iced coffee. Literally happiness in a cup. 

Mid-day Run

Now that it’s warming up a bit, I like to go on a mid-day run a few times a week (in lieu of a lunch break). It helps me physically because of the exercise, but it helps me mentally, too. This mid-day run helps me clear my head and give me energy for the rest of the day. Yes, that sounds backward – but running does, in fact, give me energy (haha). 

Essential Oil Diffuser

I keep an essential oil diffuser in my office, and I love it. I typically use a blend of peppermint and eucalyptus oils. It smells great, and I really enjoy it! Very simple, but it makes my work environment more pleasant. 

Apple Airtags

Apparently, I’m obsessed with Apple products? Because I love their Airtags. These are little discs that you can connect to your iPhone and track whatever you’d like. I don’t lose things often, but I have an Airtag on my keys, wallet, backpack, and a few other things. So then, when I misplace them, my Airtags come to the rescue. I don’t have to search forever, I can just track it from my phone. Technology is a beautiful thing. 

What’s on Your List?

None of these are huge, major life changes. But these small things help make my life more enjoyable. And I’m not recommending you try any of these things or completely overhaul your life. 

But take a look at your day-to-day. What are the small things that are making you look forward to each day? I know you have a few. And if not, then incorporate some! Start small, and they will eventually add up. 

I want to know some of your life savers! Send me a text and let me know what’s improving your life right now. 


How to Easily Live a Healthier Life


9 Bible Verses to Read When You Feel Anxious