How to Easily Live a Healthier Life

By Chuck Fenwick


Earlier this year I noticed I was really tired of being tired. Day after day, I woke up and still felt exhausted. And I honestly couldn’t remember the last time I woke up and felt well-rested. 
So I committed to making a few changes that drastically improved my life. And I want to share them with you. 

If you’ve been feeling like this, you know it’s the worst. Promise me right now you’ll read these four changes I made to my life? Because I really think they will help improve your life, too. 

Here are four ways that you can pursue a healthy lifestyle and actually enjoy it.

Spend Time with Your Favorite People

I know there is at least one person in your life that makes you happy when you’re around them. Prioritize spending time with them regularly! Spending time with people who fill you with joy is essential for living a healthy life.

You’ve probably heard the metaphor about “filling up your cup.” But if you haven’t, here it is. Imagine your life as a cup of water (or your personal favorite liquid). The liquid in the cup is your mental, physical, and emotional energy. In order to keep your cup full, you must spend time with people that replenish you. And throughout the day, some people drain the liquid from your cup. 

So, to life a healthier life, you should surround yourself with life-giving and cup-replenishing people. Also, you should limit the time you spend with people who drain your cup. It’s not possible to completely eliminate them, but put a limit on the time you allow them to steal from you. 

Prioritizing your time by prioritizing the people your with plays a huge part in your overall health!

Pay attention to what you consume

This one may sound like a broken record, but that’s because it’s very important to your health. The food you eat impacts the way you feel. But that doesn’t mean you just get to eat salads and apples all day long. 

However, paying attention to the food you eat will help make a difference in your life. You’ve definitely heard the phrase, “you are what you eat.” While it sounds cliche, there’s some truth to that. 

Some foods make us feel better than others because they help give us the nutrients we need. While other foods can serve as “fun” foods. Both are so important! 

Try thinking of ways you can add to your meals instead of subtracting what you like. Find ways to add some color to your meals by incorporating veggies, but still make sure you’re enjoying food by eating what works well for you.

Strive for Intentional Movement

Okay, exercising was NOT something I was pumped to add to my life. It honestly felt overwhelming. Exercise takes time and planning, and I felt nervous about adding that to my super busy schedule. 

But I’m so glad I did. 

Hear me out: you do not have to go sign up for an expensive gym membership or commit to running a marathon to be healthier. 

The important part about exercise is just to find small ways to incorporate movement into your daily routine and then build up from there. 

Here are a few ways to start small: 

  • Park in a farther spot in the parking lot to add a few more steps 

  • Take one flight of stairs instead of the elevator

  • Try standing up for an hour a day at work instead of sitting

  • Take the “long way” when you walk to fill up your water or grab your lunch

  • Do 10 squats every time you respond to 5 emails (or whatever works for you!) 

  • Get up and do 3 minutes of stretching after sitting for a few hours

  • Go on a quick walk during your lunch break

There are other ways to incorporate movement, too! Check out a local fitness class with a friend or go on a family walk after dinner. Just try and find 2-3 ways each week to add in some activity.

Prioritize Rest (but like, really do it)

If there is one thing that most people skip, it’s rest. But promise me you’ll commit to this one! It’s easy to feel like sleep isn’t a priority. But rest is absolutely non-negotiable. 

Sleep has a huge impact on your overall health. And, sleep doesn’t make you lazy. (read that again… and one more time.)

You don’t have to try to get eight full hours if you aren’t used to that, but just try going to bed 20 minutes earlier this week. Then, see what kind of difference it can make in your day.

And rest doesn’t exclusively mean sleep. Sometimes rest is reading a book, spending time in silence, or doing something to fulfill your mind. 

Find what makes you feel relaxed and recharged. It could be drinking your morning coffee alone for 5 minutes in the morning. It could be completing a crossword before bed. Whatever it is, commit to doing it as often as you can fit it in.

Keep me in the loop! 

You’re not doing this alone – remember that! I am just as committed to this personal health journey as you are. So keep me updated! Send me a text so we can talk about it together.


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