7 Tips for Overcoming Burnout

By Katey Schneider


Burn out. It’s real. It happens sometimes. And it feels impossible to overcome. It’s not impossible, but it sure is hard to push through a season of overwhelm and exhaustion. 

You can be burnt out at work, at home, or just generally burnt out in life. 

If you’ve experienced burnout before, you know how hard it is to pull yourself out of that slump. 

You’re probably familiar with that overwhelming sluggish feeling – the one where you’re more tired, less productive, and just don’t enjoy the tasks you used to anymore. 

But it’s possible – and essential – to get through the burnout. And if you’re not sure where to start, I’ve got you covered. 

Here are seven quick and easy tips for overcoming burnout and enjoying your life again.

Try a New Work Rhythm

Have you ever heard of the Pomodoro Technique? This is a way to switch up your regular rhythm if you struggle to stay focused. This has been really helpful for me – both at work and at home.

Okay, basically you choose a task and work on it for 25 minutes. Then, take a 5-minute break. Repeat this process four times, and then take an extended 15-20 minute break. Read more about it here!

Add More Music

A fresh playlist will work wonders for your mood and productivity levels. If you have a regular playlist you listen to while you work or do chores at home, try something new! A different genre or a new artist can do the trick. 

If music with words is a bit distracting for you, try the instrumental playlist from your favorite movie (Harry Potter soundtrack, here I come!). White noise or brown noise can help keep you focused, too!

Test Out a New Location

This one primarily applies to the workplace. If you’re able to leave your desk, try out a new spot for an afternoon. A coffee shop can be fun! Or even just a different table at the office can help. A fresh perspective can really make a difference. 

If you can’t leave your desk, try eating lunch in a new spot. Or taking a new route during your commute to and from work.

Get Out of Your Rut

Do you start your day by reading through emails and then inevitably get sucked into a neverending vortex of responding to things and putting out fires?  That’s a little dramatic, but it sometimes feels that way. 

Try diving into a creative project right away instead. Then, carve out some time to answer emails after lunch. 

While consistent routines are helpful in many areas, a routine you dread every day is causing you to feel burnt out. Getting out of the same routine will help your work feel fresh and different.

Schedule Work Blocks

It seems counterintuitive to recommend scheduling your calendar after just recommending to get out of a rut. However, a plan is still essential for productivity. 

Take 30-45 minutes at the beginning of your work week to establish priorities and determine your goals. Then, schedule a few “work blocks,” or chunks of time, to make progress on a few of your priorities. 

This process can help with both on work-related projects and home projects, too. It’s much easier to make progress on cleaning out the garage when it’s on your calendar.

Focus on Gratitude

Have you ever heard of a gratitude journal? This may seem weird at first, but it’s the act of writing down a few things you are grateful for each day. You can write, type, or even reflect on some positive attributes about the day you’ve just experienced. 
Developing a practice of gratitude is a game changer. And if you aren’t sure where to start, here are some tips! Over time, you’ll start to see your mood shift as you move through the day because you’re looking for the positives instead of dwelling on the negatives.

Prioritize Self Care

It’s easy to feel apathetic about yourself and the rest of your life when you’re experiencing burnout. Don’t let your self-care practices suffer, too! 

Give yourself something to look forward to each week. And no, not just something on Friday or Saturday night. 

If Tuesdays are the most dreaded day of the week for you,  incorporate something fun into that day. Maybe Tuesday mornings you stop and get a fun drink on your way to work. Or Tuesday evenings you reward yourself by doing something you enjoy. 

Incorporate some self care practices – however small they may be – into your week. It’s important!

Keep It Manageable

Don’t feel pressured to try everything on this list at once. Pick one or two that resonate with you and give them a try! And if you implement any of these into your routine, I want to know so I can cheer you on.

Send me a text and let me know which one helped relieve you of your burnout.


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