How to Be a More Positive Person

By Chuck Fenwick


Have you ever been around a negative person? Maybe at work, school, or even in your own home. 

You know those people. They always seem to see the glass as half empty instead of half full. 

Nothing is good enough. There’s bad in everything. No possibilities, just gloom. 

We all experience negativity. But remaining in a negative environment is incredibly draining!  

So, here are four ways you can find the positive light in a negative situation or season.

Start a Gratitude Journal

Adjusting your mindset is the most powerful way to overcome a negative situation or season. Incorporating more positive thoughts can help to make that shift. That’s why you should start a gratitude journal. 

When you hear the words “gratitude journal,” don’t panic. It doesn’t mean spending 45 minutes journaling down every thought. Keep it simple! 

The best way to start a gratitude journal is the way that works for you. Don’t overthink it! It could be a physical journal or notebook, a digital document, a sticky note, or whatever you’re most comfortable with. Even the notes app on your phone will work perfectly fine. 

Then, find a consistent time each day to recount your gratitudes. Write (or type!) 2-3 things you’re thankful for. This can be in paragraphs or just a bullet list. Remember, do what works for you. 

Pro tip: try to find 2-3 different things you’re thankful for every day. These could be as simple as a safe drive to work, cup of morning coffee, your family, job, house, or anything you are grateful for. 

Whether it’s first thing in the morning, during your lunch break, or while you’re wrapping up your day, consistently reminding yourself of a few gratitudes will help shift your perspective.

Think Small

Overcoming negativity is easier when you’re working on personal growth. Find an area in your life where you would like to grow. This could be a physical, mental, or spiritual change.

Here are a few ideas to get you started

  • Try out a new physical activity (running, walking, lifting weights)

  • Go to a group fitness class (yoga, pilates, spin)

  • Read 10 pages of a book each morning/evening

  • Listen to a personal development podcast on your commute

  • Start a new devotional

  • Take on a prayer challenge


Once you’ve determined the one that is best for your lifestyle, commit to incorporating this into your routine. Write your goal or life change down somewhere you’ll see it often. Making a reminder on your calendar often helps! 

And be sure to start small. Try incorporating this habit into your routine 2-3 times a week. If you want to read more, try reading three days a week instead of all seven days. Then, once you’ve seen some growth, build up from there.

Change Your Perspective

No matter where you go or what you do, you will encounter negative people. It’s inevitable. And sometimes, you are a negative person. 

However, try your best to see things from an alternative point of view. Your mind is both a powerful tool and an incredible hindrance. It all depends on how you choose to utilize it. 

Pause and take a step back. Try to clear your mind and mute your emotions. Is there something outside of the situation that is causing turbulence? Try and see the situation from their point of view to get the clearest picture.

Choose Realism

Ever heard of “toxic positivity?” This is the belief that no matter how bad a situation you are in you should remain positive no matter what.

This is dangerous territory. While we want to combat negativity in all areas of life, there is a balance we have to maintain. Not everything can be perfect and have a positive twist. 

Make sure to keep yourself grounded by maintaining a realistic outlook. Don’t fixate on the bad, see the situation for what it is and work toward a responsible solution.

Spread the Word

Reducing a negative mindset is valuable for everyone. You’ve taken a big step just by reading through these tips. Way to go! Now, would you consider sharing this blog with a friend? We can all use a little more positivity in our lives. 
And I want to hear from you! Send me a text and let me know your thoughts on combatting negativity.


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