Read This If You Struggle Believing the Easter Story

By Chuck Fenwick


If you sometimes struggle to believe that Jesus died and rose from the dead to save us from our sins – then this one is for you. 

As Christians, this is our thing. We’re taught to believe that Jesus died and came back to save us. 

But sometimes, it’s a little hard to believe. And if you’ve ever thought that, please hear me out. 

You are not alone. 

So if you find yourself doubting, here is where you should start.

Acknowledge Your Doubt

Honestly, this is hard to admit to yourself. It’s especially hard for Christians to admit that you doubt the resurrection because you’ve been taught to accept it, believe it, and never question it. 

But if you’re struggling, acknowledge it. 

Admit it to yourself. 

If you journal, write it down. If you pray out loud, say it. If you still want to keep it in your head, then think it. 

Say to yourself, “I’m struggling with the idea of the resurrection. I have some doubts. I’m not exactly sure what I’m doubting, but the whole idea is hard to wrap my mind around.” 

Once you’re honest with yourself, you can finally move forward. 

This isn’t a “fake it til you make it” moment. You don’t need to feel ashamed. And you especially shouldn’t feel shamed by anyone else. 

You don’t have to shout it from the rooftops but start by being honest with yourself.

Be Okay with Not Believing

This is going to offend some people, but it’s important. 

Be okay with not fully believing the story of the resurrection – for now. 

Accept your doubt. Accept your struggles. 

God created you with a logical brain. You were intended to think critically and doubt sometimes. 

And Jesus meets you where you are. He has proven that to us time and time again. 

Be prepared to hear differently. You’ll be met with divisiveness from other Christians. For some, this is an all-or-nothing topic. 

But hear me out – admit your struggles to yourself and to God. And then, be okay with it for now. Accept your struggles. Understand that doubting is a normal part of following Jesus. 

Don’t pretend to be okay.  Don’t lie to yourself and say you aren’t struggling. You are struggling, and Jesus is prepared to meet you right where you are.

Have An Open Mind

You’ve acknowledged your doubts. You’ve stopped accepting shame from yourself and others. 

Now, it’s time to be open to the possibility of the truth of the resurrection story. 

This isn’t just another story in the Bible. It is THE story of the Bible. It has been told time and time again throughout history. 

Maybe you even see the world as black and white with little room for flexibility in between. Although you’re used to using logic and discernment, challenge yourself. 

Encourage yourself to open your mind just a little bit. Allow for the possibility of the resurrection to be fully true. 

Because there is hope and grace that are extended to you  in Jesus’ deat and resurrection. God made the ultimate sacrifice and you are saved through it all. 

Have an open mind. And when you can’t open your mind further – then pray. Pray for God to help you accept the truth in the Easter story.

Pray Persistently

Sometimes we forget it, but there is immense power in prayer. And it’s okay to pray for God to help you clear your doubts. If you’re not sure where to start, try this prayer. 

God, I am struggling. I know the story of the resurrection. I’ve heard it many times. But sometimes I have doubts. And honestly, I don’t want to admit that to you. But it’s true. I struggle to believe all of the parts about Jesus dying and coming back to life. You’ve created me to think logically, and this story goes against what I know and what I’m familiar with. I don’t know what else to do so I am praying. God, please help me be okay with my doubts and instead accept the hope and grace that you offer me.

You’re Not Alone

If you’re in the midst of your doubts, you are not alone. This is a normal part of a faith journey. And if you feel alone or have more questions, send me a text.  I am here to help!


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