7 Tips for Getting Back on Track

By Chuck Fenwick


You just made it through the first week of February. This is usually the time when most Americans quit pursuing their New Year’s Resolutions. 

If you’re not a person that sets a New Year’s Resolution each year, it’s okay. Honestly, I’m not someone who does that, either. It never ends up working out for me! 

But I do believe in setting goals and taking small steps to achieve them. But sometimes, it’s inevitable. You fall off track from time to time. 

So if you’ve set some goals recently but have not been able to achieve them successfully, I have some tips for you. Don’t give up!

Here are 7 tips for getting back on track and achieving your goals.

Give Yourself Grace

If you hear one thing, please hear this: You deserve grace. Start by cutting yourself some slack! Incorporating new habits or goals into your routine takes time and persistence. The New Year typically comes with “big goal-setting energy. ” If this isn’t the right time to add something new to your life, that’s okay! Understand where you are and what season of life you are in.

Determine Your Why

Achieving a goal is nearly impossible when you don’t know why you’re doing it in the first place. It’s essential to lay a firm foundation for yourself so you can build your new habits and routines successfully. 

If your goal is to read more books this year, then why did you commit to this? Maybe after some digging, you’ve discovered that you want to cut back on your time spent scrolling on social media. Now, each time you pick up your phone to scroll mindlessly, you’ll remember that you want to choose the new habit of reading instead. 

So, spend some time reflecting on the reason why you want to achieve a certain goal. If your goals are rooted in a purpose, it will be easier to achieve them.

Write it Down

This one might sound silly, but write down the goal you’re working towards. Not only should you write down your goal, but write down your “why,” too! 

Find a place to record your aspirations where you’ll regular see it. If you have a to-do list or a note in your phone you check often, record it there! 

The act of putting your goal on paper (or typing it digitally) in a space you’ll see will help stay committed.

Don’t Miss Twice

It’s totally normal to “mess up” when you’re doing something new. Don’t let that stop you! If your goal is to wake up earlier every day, don’t quit just because you hit the snooze button a few too many times one morning. If you want to read for 10 minutes each night but scrolled on Facebook instead, don’t give up on reading completely.

Acknowledge that you strayed from your goal, give yourself grace, and move on. Think through what you need to do to prevent that from happening, and just keep moving forward.

Find Accountability

Achieving a goal is often easier when you have some form of accountability. You don’t have to find a person to go to the gym with every day or someone to read the same amount of books as you. But having a community to support your progress helps immensely. 

There are both in-person and digital ways of forming these connections! If you’re training for a big run, try finding a running group in your area! Join a reading club Facebook group if you’re digging into fiction novels. 

There is support out there for you. Having a supportive community and forming positive connections will make a huge difference in meeting your goals.

Track Your Progress

Find a method that works for you! If you want to read more books, get a book-tracking app. If you’re wanting to work out more, check off each day on the calendar that you work out. If you’re striving to drink more water, record the number of ounces you drink each day. 

It doesn’t matter what method you choose, just track your progress in a visual way that works for you. Seeing that progress will be incredibly motivating!

You can look at the checkmarks, percentages, or whatever you use and remember that you put in the work to make it happen.

Celebrate the Wins

I can’t say this one enough. Celebrate, celebrate, celebrate! Don’t wait until the end to be proud of yourself. Find small rewards and ways to acknowledge your success along the way. 

Working towards a goal is a journey, not just the end result. And you deserve to celebrate the small wins just as much as the big ones. 

If you read 1 page every night this week, treat yourself to a latte at your favorite coffee shop.  If you hit your 4 workout per week goal, reward yourself with a new water bottle to bring to the gym. 

Whatever it is, find ways to make your success special. You are putting in the hard work, and even the smallest achievements deserve a celebration.

Keep Me Updated

When you’re working towards a goal, mindset it key. Go into your new goal this time with the mindset of success. You can do this. And you’re not alone. 

Send me a text and let me know which of these tips  you’re going to implement into your goal setting strategy. I want to cheer you on!


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