How to Talk to People About Your Relationship with God

By Chuck Fenwick

How to Talk to Others About Jesus

Your relationship with God is personal. It’s something that is super vulnerable, too. 

Which is why sharing your faith is HARD. I totally understand that. 

And I want to let you in on a little secret.

I’m a pastor and I still find it hard to talk about my faith with my friends. 

Part of my job is literally to teach people about God. And I do that all the time! But it’s tough to know where to begin and what to say when you’re talking to people close to you. 

You know talking about your faith is important. And I want to help us do this together. 

Here are a few ways you can share your relationship with Jesus with the people in your life.

Tell Your Story

Start by telling others about your experience. It’s easier to share a few stories about your life than to directly talk about your interactions with God. Share about how God has made an impact on your life. 

When did you first begin your relationship with God? How has God impacted your life choices over the years? What have you learned from your relationship with God? 

Answering those questions will help you define your story. 

And please, please, hear me out on this one. No matter how  “boring” your story is, it’s relevant and it’s important. 

There are many other people out there that are similar to you. Your story is relevant and important and true. Talk about why you choose to follow Christ and live for him every day. 

Personal stories and connections are relatable! And your story is important. By sharing your story, you’ll help others connect to God in a deeper way.

Invite Others to Church

Imagine you meet someone who has never tried chocolate. What! Who hasn’t tried chocolate? 

Anyway, the best way to explain what chocolate tastes like is by allowing them to experience it themselves. So you’d probably offer them a piece of chocolate. 

Experiencing a relationship with God is unlike any other feeling or any other relationship. It’s unique and different for everyone. 

So try inviting someone to church with you so they can experience God for themselves. You can invite them to a worship service, a small group, a church event, or anything else that’s important to your faith experience.

Be Understanding

Don’t just invite someone to come to something at your church. Invite them to come with you. Get ready to be part of their faith experience. Come alongside them and show them what it looks like to have a relationship with God.

And prepare for them to say “yes.” This may sound like a given, but it’s not. It’s easy to invite someone to an event or a worship service. But be ready to take on the responsibility when they agree to join you. 

Doing things alone is hard. And going to church alone is a big challenge! Be there for them. Support them. Encourage them. 

Be ready to help them develop a deeper relationship with God by walking on this journey with them.

Be Unrelenting

If you are sharing your faith with someone and they express an interest in a relationship with God, pray for them! Pray and don’t stop praying. 

Pray for their relationship to strengthen and ask God what you can do to help. Be ready to support them in ways others supported you. And if you didn’t have support, be the person you needed early on in your faith journey. 

A relationship with God is so important. And that relationship helps us connect with others on deeper levels, too.

You’re Not Alone

Talking about God is hard. But you can do this! And I want to be there for you. Send me a text and let me know if you need some encouragement or tell me how it went!


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